I got my keyboard from a (somewhat)local (guitar center) instead of through an online store.

Sure, loyalty is good...but not all local stores return your loyalty. Some do, and they might be worth to do business with.

Regarding "helping the local business" I have a story: I was looking for a (different) keyboard a while ago. I was approached by this salesperson with "whatever, i'm too busy smoking my joint".....and couldn't answer my questions at all, when I asked for a price, he just quickly glanced at his price manual, and quoted me a price WAY over (i'm not talking 100-200 bucks difference here) what I could find in the musician'sfriend or similar online stores. When I mentioned this to him (hoping he could lower the price)..he rudely ask me this question.."well, you wanna pay less with those stores, or you wanna pay more and help the local store." I gave them a second chance, I sold my Technics through the same store, SPECIFICALLY told them, to hold my keyboard case with them while I took my box from my home. Came back 15 mins later, they SOLD my keyboard WITH my case.

Don't get me wrong. I STILL buy my stuff from the local store, but they gonna have to try better than saying "Support us." It's all about business....