Really enjoyed your song!

I particularly liked the two bar break before the last line of each verse. Kind of adds suspense to the rhythm (if that makes any sense?)

I don't know much about country music so I can't really comment on the technicalities of that but I did think the words powerful and thought provoking.

If I'm honest then I found a couple of rhymes a little contrived on first read through (...'much too scared to risk a yawn' being the one that jumped out at me). That line really does look as though it is just there to rhyme with the preceding 'dawn'.

To be fair the line sat much better when I heard the song rather than just read it. Please don't take offence at that comment.... I know only too well how easy it is to become attached to your work and then resent someone just tottering up to pick holes. That is not my intention at all.

By comparison (I took the opportunity to listen to your other recordings on your soundclick site) and I REALLY enjoyed 'Is There Any Way of Knowing'. I thought the lyric on this song to be verbose in the best possible sense of the word. Every line flowed seamlessly to the next and left me wanting to hear the next line. Perfect writing.

Very nice work and thanks for posting
Best Wishes