First of all, posts like mine usually surface when one suddenly realizes that it's Sunday afternoon and football season is over . DonM, I agree with 99% of everything you say. I also still agree with 100% of what I said. Funny that you should be one of the first responders, as almost nothing I said applies to you (being one of the 3 or 4 true pro's on the board). Actually, I was just stirring the pot a little as things were starting to get a little ah, booooooring. DNJ, as to your suggestion that I put up some of my original material; I may be old and ugly but not stupid. I was lucky enough to recognize my mediocrity early which is one reason that I can spot it so easily in others (hint...the first phase is denial). And to whoever chided me for being dumb enough to shell out $3000 for a KB I hadn't tried first hand, I couldn't agree more (which is why in previous posts I have discouraged others from making the same mistake). But, not to worry, my mood will soften again once the winter olympics are over and I no longer have to validate my marriage vows by watching several hours of figure skating each night (old but not yet ready to give up sex). Have a good night.

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]