I was not kidding about the Mercedez S class. The REAL God is an amazing God who is able to give more than we can ever hope for.

I always wanted a Mercedez so one day my rich brother wanted to get rid his S class and I bought it for somewhat of a bargain since it was used and my bro was being nice to me. It was gold colour, nice and big and it was still upto date since the body and shape does not change until about 4-5 yrs. So, I took it home.

Lo and behold, about couple weeks later, a longtime friend that I rearely spoke to was back in touch again with me. He had become a very rich person in the mean time and bought a car. Since he lived in another country he does not have a place to store his car. He only visits USA one week a year or so. He asked me to maintain his car and I can use it if I want too. The car arrived and guess what.....it looks like the same Mercedez that I had and the same colour too. So, now there are two Mercedez S class in my garage. They looked virtually indentical except my friend's model is a year newer.

You think it's a coincidence ? I think not.