Dear Scott;

I re-read Rolnafans's reviews again to make sure i perceived it correctly the first time. Here are the only positive items he mentioned about the KB.

"The G-70 is a huge impressive looking keyboard at nearly 1.3 metres long and quiet heavy but I'm afraid thats where it ends."

"Yes there are lots of editing features, the vocal harmony is better than tyros, lots of buttons"

I believe there is much more negative then positive comments on his review. My intent was just to point out his that I didn't think his review was non-biased. Because of comments like; " 3/10 because it sounds like crap", " it was blown away", "not in the same league" etc.. As well as the extreme range of comments. Having experience with all of these KBs, not one of them "blows" the others away.

I also read the Steve Fortner's review in Keyboard magazine and found it to be a very superficial non-informative piece. I found it to be disappointing and almost like a info-mercial. If one compares past review articles on KBs ( in particular the Tyros in KB mag) it is easy to see how the G-70 deserved a much more thorough assesment. What do other SZ members think?
