Dear Impuls/Others;

The invented name "Mega Voice" [MV] may have been invented by Yamaha Germany, but the technology has been around for many years, before the term was first coined. It is yamahas way of describing mulitple recorded samples per note. Akai (and companies like them) has been doing this for >10-15 years. It is a common practice on sampling keyboards or software. I wouldn't be proad or bragging of the fact that a company has taken old technology and placed it into a new package, giving it a new name , and flogging it to the masses as a break through. I think this technology should have been on keyboards long ago.

The term MV is being use by Yamaha strictly for marketing purposes to generate interest versus truely introducing new technology. Which term sounds better to you; "I am a garbage man, or my occupation is that of a sanitation engineer" ?

These largers sample are now being implemented on mass produced Kbs since memory capacity & processor speed have increased greatly and costs have decreased.But Yamaha's samples are still small compared to what is currently avaliable on the market.
