This post has inspired me to take a look into the mirror and re-evalute my current situation, both from a work's perspective as well as life in general.

I agree with what someone said earlier, "Life is too short". Amen! You know, we let events in our lives pass us by and then dwell on what we "should have" done instead of just doing it in the first place! How many times have you thought to yourself... "Why didn't I make that move?" Or, "I should have talked to that person yesterday!" We find ourselves putting things off way too much instead of living life to it's greatest potential. Even if we have failures we at least tried and that's a heck of a lot better than failure because we didn't bother to act! At least there is no remorse or guilt if we attempt something.

My job sucks too although I am not in sales. I am more on a salary but very overworked and underpaid. (Who isn't right?) I guess that's the American way. Life should not be this way. You have the "fat cats" at the top of the food chain who have it all figured out and the rest of us are basically slaves to corporate America. It's disgusting!

I just wish I knew what I enjoyed. That's MY problem. I like many things but I guess I don't have the passion for that "one" thing. The things I do enjoy would pay peanuts and I would have to live in a shack and ride a bike to work. Hmmmm, maybe not such a bad idea! LOL

If I didn't have a wife and kids I would quit my current job right now and go do something fun, who cares. But when you are "stuck" in a career because you are afraid to lose money it's not a good situation. I can't afford to just "quit" or take something with less pay! Sure, I don't make a ton of money but there is no way I could change careers and make what I do now. STUCK in a dead-end job with no light in sight.

So.. my goal is to find those passions! I know they are in there someplace.

Good Luck all!

[This message has been edited by Spruce Goose (edited 07-22-2005).]