Here is my two cents.

I'll buy both of your books, U.D.'s and Scotts. For me this forum has been great. I'm still trying to break away from the Big Band rut I've been in for 30 years.

I appreciate all of you folks and I can't think of everyone and everything but here goes.

Don Mason - What a guy! He has bent over backward to help me and be a friend. He even let me take his X1 off his hands. I really hope to someday meet him in person.

U.D. - His posts and email responses have been extreemly helpful in all areas from equipment to performance. I think he encourages all of us to be the best we can be with our music. We must never feel that we don't have to learn new songs or continue to improve our performances. I know some of you will disagree but when I had my PSR740 U.D. told me it was OK for a home keyboard but there were better arrangers for the professional. He was exactly right. I'm glad that he has the resources to test out all the new stuff for us. U.D. I'm glad you are back.

Fran - What a great guy. He has always been willing to share with us. If a new set of styles appear, Fran has always converted them and made them available to this forum. I wish Fran would share more of his career and experiences with the group. Fran you are too quiet.

I wish I lived in the Philly/NJ area so I could meet and hear U.D., Fran, and Donny.
I would also have a better selection of sports teams to watch and enjoy. Do any of you know how hard it is to be a Lions fan?
At least we had the 1984 Tigers and the good years with the Pistons.

Scott - Your posts are always helpful both in the equipment and performance area. You have also gone the extra mile to be helpful and encouraging. From last years NAMM report to all the things you can do on the 2000 I'd like to thank you for your efforts. I just wish you would get a X1. That way I'd learn about all the cool things you discovered about it.

DanO - I met you last summer at NAMM. I wish there had been more time. Thank you for your contributions both to the forum and me personally. I'm glad you are back. There is a new Guitar Center opening in Grand Rapids this thursday. How about a transfer to Michigan?

Donny - Thank you for keeping all this stuff in perspective. You seem to be able to seperate the hype from reality. You didn't sell your 9000 and buy a 2000 because you knew that it wasn't just as good. If I ever move to a Yammie it will be because you have owned both and prefer the 9000.

George Kaye - George it is too bad that I'm in Michigan. Your willingness to help, good recommendations, and product knowledge are unsurpassed. You deserve to sell a million arranger keyboards at full markup.

AJ - He has worked so hard to make all of us Solton owners better that I can't begin to thank him enough. Thank you for your work with the Ketron products. The new vocalizer settings have been great.

Mr Bulk - thank you for setting up the site where we can post our music. Keep up the composing. It only takes one hit to make it big.

There are sooooo many others that mean a great deal to me. Here is the list:

My Dutch friends Roel, John Smies, FreddyNL. My Dutch relatives tell me that "If you're not Dutch you're not much".

Boo - glad to see a recent post from you.

Notlos, Squeak, Bluesplayer, Linda, Stevazard, mdorantes, Dreamer, Beakybird, Rodrigues, Nobby, mdorantes, Dreamer, ChicoBrasil and all the others.

Thank you all.
