I took one of the Yamaha PAS systems out for trial and it didn't do the job for me. You can find my review of it by using the search feature on this forum.
One problem a lot of folks have with the new Bose system is turning it up too loud. It's hard to realize that the artist is hearing pretty much what the audience is hearing. We are SO used to turning up really loud on the bandstand so the sound will project to the audience. The Bose is a totally different concept and is a totally beautiful thing once you adjust your thinking (and hearing).
I have used just about every imagineable sound setup from huge rack-mount amps, speakers, monitors to Barbettas, to Powered JBLs, to Logitechs, and most everything in between.
I agree with Gary's ranking: 1. Bose L1 2. Barbettas (although I like the 31c better than 32c) and 3. Logitechs. But in my opinion there are pretty vast diffences between the three, in performance, quality and price as well.
I am so satisfied with my gear right now, that I'm almost disappointed that I'm not really searching for anything new! That's half the fun.