Dave, it’s so very kind of you to share all your great knowledge and expertise with Mike. The poor boy might have spent all his money for something that is missing so many necessary features to make beautiful music. I only have one comment that I think you made that might lead the poor fellow to really be sad if he did not head your advice. Just think, Dave, if he decided to purchase the KN7000 he thought so much of, and then decided to purchase that overpriced hard drive made only for the KN7000 he really would have been mad at you for not telling him the truth. I really think you owe poor Mike an apology and set him straight before he goes off the deep end and really makes a bad blunder by buying that 7000. Don’t try to make old Mike feel that he might still be able to add a hard drive later if needed. After all, you tested the 7000 when it came out, evaluated it, and are respected for your expert opinions on this forum. Just come right out and tell him the 7000 has no hard drive. No hard drive is even made for the lousy thing, so how could you mislead him, or maybe you are just trying to be kind and soften the bad news about the new technics board he had his heart set on. The honest and knowledgeable person that I know you are, I prefer to believe the latter. I just felt it my duty to post this so Mike would not be misled if he made the big mistake of purchasing a new seven thousand. I see he has already thanked you for making the decision for him. I don’t see how, if as he stated he extensively checked out the 7 and had such a knowledgeable sales person helping him, that he could have been so deceived. Well maybe not deceived, could be that it’s his bad memory he speaks of, is his problem, because he already forgot how bad others told him the board was. So Mike, glad you did not make that bad purchasing mistake and you value the advice of others so much. Too bad you missed evaulating such important features you require, such as vocals and hard drive storage, in your extensive evaluation but I guess it’s understandable with your bad memory. And Dave, keep up the good work.

Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug