I am cosidering to buy a synth or workstation in the near future and found out about the Triton. I am new to the keyboard end of electronic music (I've spent more time working on rhythm and percussion than anything else) and hope that someone could answer a few of my questions about the Triton.

1) what are the differences between the basic Triton, the Pro, and the Pro X?

2) is the sampler good? What can it be compared to?

3) it has a vocoder; correct? What can it be compared to?

the next couple of questions are probably gerneral workstation questions

4) can patterns from a drum machine (I have a Roland MC-303 Groovebox) be saved onto the Triton's disk drive?

5) can the Triton's arpeggiator be sequenced with my MC-303, or vise-versa?

Thank you to anyone who took the time to read and answer these questions!!