Great stuff!

I like your playing!!!
I absolutely love number 4!!!

Sometimes less is more.

As far as the Tyros 2 goes, it sounds like a very good keyboard.
I am sure in the right hands lots can be done with it.

However, I still don’t think at least IMO that it tops any of the other flagship arrangers on the market notably the Korg pa1x and the Gem Genesys in terms of sounds styles and features.

I think in the right hands, lots can be done with either of them.

I just wonder how much of an effect would the SAV have in a live mix? Also, some of the articulations could sound monotonous after a while.
From the drum demos I have heard so far, other than the oriental percussions, the drum sounds on the Tyros 2 leaves much to be desired.

Again, this is not to say that the Tyros 2 is not a good board. I think that Yamaha now has an arranger that can compete with the Korg pax1 and the Gem Genesys.

Andrea, have fun with the Tyros 2. At the end of the day it really does not matter what keyboard or other tool we use to make music; as long as we could make it work for our individual needs and make like what you just did, good music!

After listening to the demos, in a strange twist, I could see the SAV coming handier in a studio setting rather than a live one.

When you are on a gig by yourself, the audience knows it is just you and would think that any thing that sounds like a live instrument is not you but more the keyboard. However, if you use some of the SAV in a studio, you could probably get away with fooling some people that it is a live guitar (or what ever instrument) when you know in fact that it is the Tyros 2 SAV