Thank you People, Y'all are really great. These are truly great posts of priceless info and I owe you, each and everyone of you. I feel I am getting closer to that decision everytime I come here and read more of these excellent posts on the subject.
This is dificult for me because even though I have had keyboards since 1972 and a project recording studio since 1987, I have never owned a piece of Yamaha Equipment. I also had the attitude of many that their equipment was Department Store Toys. I begin to evolve through that when I bought the first Technics keyboard, a KN800, and I am now on my third Technics, a kn6000. I am seriously considering the 9000 pro now. I think I am more inclined to that keyboard after reading all your posts on three of the forums here on the SYNTH ZONE
Thank you all so much and best to you all from,