kbrkr, I agree about the position of the wheels. Perhaps they were positioned there for space reasons, otherwise the case would become too big. I'm not the hardware engineer but commonsense tells me that they should be on the left (except if you assume that people rarely use these wheels, perhaps in certain cases you do not use them (piano bar player?) but on other cases one might use them heavily (distorted guitar samples).
AFAIK you can connect a small joystick on the left and use that insteead mod/pitchweels. (but I'm not 100% sure. domenik anything to say in your defense ? :-) )

If I was the hw engineer, I would get rid of the floppy drive, move the piano keys a bit on the right side and make room for the pitch/modwheels (or a joystick).
Who uses floppies these days when you can get cheap USB memory sticks with sizes as big as 256,512,1024MB).
Ok perhaps to read samples or styles from ancient keyboards but that's about it.
domenik anything to say in your defense ?
the synthzone forum users want a convincing response :-)
