i hear what you are saying and i am certainly not implying that arranger keyboard players have less technical ability than anyone else. What i am saying is that theorising about what can possibly be done on an instrument is of no practical use to a potential customer ( i.e me !) if so far noone has DEMONSTRATED what can be done ! you cant sell a product based upon what you think it can do. You have to sell it on what it does. Here is a prime oportunity for Mediastation and Wersi to market the product properly by demonstrating what it can do instead of just talking about it! If it can do what the manufacturer says it can do, then simply do it ! that puts an end to all doubt to any potential users of the product.
I dont know if its just me but i think that the long threads going back and forth about the strengths/weaknesses of these products could have been settled a long time ago by simply demonstrating what the instrument is capble of instead of these pointles drawn out discusions. If its he instrument of the future, then i will considr it in the future but if it can do it all now.......see what i mean ?
dont quit.......period