Esh, even if NI's Bandstand is only somewhat better than my modified sYnerGi GS Soundfont wavetable ... it will be worth it. In a case like this I will still keep using the top of the line instruments with kontakt for my lead or melody voices and Bandstand for the auto accompaniment.

And yes there are complaints about NI's software including kontakt. I use it with few problems if any. Keep in mind I use my music computer only for internet, no editing, no testing, etc. All testing and editing is done on my general purpose computer and then transferred over to the music computer. Plus I use quality components (sound cards, video cards, HDs, and so on).

As always, for those who wish to hear the quality of the instruments I use go to the various sound developers web sites. They have professional highly qualified people doing their demos. If I provided a sound clip you would throw up your hands and say .... well that is worst thing I have ever heard.

[This message has been edited by Frank L. Rosenthal (edited 11-02-2005).]