I think that the technology has progressed amply to deliver a lightweight keyboard with or without speakers, as witness by the addition of the Casio 88 key digital stage piano. If this piano has better polyphony and maybe better sound samples it would have been a keeper for me at only 26 pounds for a weighted hammer action 88 key instrument. I know that its possible, just hard to get all the technology together into one instrument. I am still thinking that one of those cheaper (less expensive) digital stage pianos is a good mix with an arranger board if 88 keys is required for a certain venue or performance. Everybody has their own reasons for why they do what they do. After having played heavy, lets not forget the Rhodes 76 key stage piano, I have decided to go light. Its about saving my back. Wheels or not you eventually have to lift it.

Remember boy & girls..."Lift with your Spleen!"

Dennis L. Almond

Dennis L. Almond