I just bought my 9000 Pro from a regular poster here and I'm enjoying it very much. I haven't read the EM review of it yet but I did read the Keyboard magazine review last fall (October I think, but the review is not online), which was done by a person who does commercial music beds for a living. She was very nice and gave a good bit of praise on the 9000's features and sounds, but she spent a lot of the article talking about how she used the 9000 Pro to sample and remix some music for a project. That's all well and good but I don't think the 9000 Pro is really meant for studio use. Studios keyboardists and film composers wouldn't use half of it's features really, nor would keyboardists who play in bands. Without the built-in speakers, I don't see home users jumping in line either. It is quite clear to me that the 9000 Pro has one market in mind in particular: wedding singers... for them, the 9000 Pro is a money maker. The music database function is full of examples of songs needed for instant audience gratification at weddings and parties... even the dreaded "Chicken Dance". And in the MIDI setup is templates for using the 9000 Pro with a midi accordion. Need I say more?