Happy to hear you got a new keyboard but disappointed you didn't get the Tyros. We need people like you in the Tyros forum that have a deep and inquiring mind with a high degree of intelligence and music instrument background.
I hope you will trade it in on the Tyros 2 when it gets to OZ.
I got all the problems sorted out now. One major problem was in the MS XP operating suystem. I had to hack the registry to make a place for the USB-Midi driver. Then I had to rewire the Recording studio to get the Ty 2 and cakewalk pro 9 talking to each other. I finally got time last night to jam on the board and it is just awesome.
Santa Clause Jann sez the hard drive and memory that Scott Yee reccomended will be under the tree
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Enjoy your summer sun, we finally got fall rain
Originally posted by rikkisbears:
it appears warranties vary in different countries.

Good one Bebop.
Actually I ended up getting a Ketron SD1plus instead of a Yamaha. I couldn't be bothered waiting till next year SOMETIME to get one. Really pathetic, couldn't find a dealer that was expecting Tyros 2's anytime in the near future, couldn't even find a dealer that could get me a psr3000 this side of xmas. Enough whining, how's your new Tyros2 going. I think I read somewhere you managed to get your usb/laptop driver sorted out?

best wishes