Hi Earl,

Sorry to hear about the vocal mix problem. I am in agreement with Graham on this. My 9000 was much less sensitive to problem. One of the things I noticed with the new Tyros 2 is the vocal aspects were a little more stringent regarding the settings. I needed to turn down the gain on the back of the T2 because of distortion. That is a no brainer I understand. The setting was just to high for the AudioTechnica headset mic that I use. After that it is working pretty well and any further alteration will be made internally. Over the years of using the 9000 I definately found that to much effect along with harmony really will make for a bad mix. Bottom line it is all about the signal processing and rather you have to much or to little.

I am getting sucked into this Tyros 2 world faster than I thought that I would. I really like what I can do with the Super Articulation Guitars. It is just amazing.
Anyway I am begining to blather on about a different subject. I sincerely hope that all works out for you and your 3000. It really is a great keyboard and the vocal harmonizer should not ruin your experience.


Dennis L. ALmond
aka. TwoNuts

Dennis L. Almond