Thank you Don, the reason I asked this question is that I was in a local Mars music store, and I had this debate with one of the keyboard sales people. There I was, enjoying the PSR9000 and having fun with it. I like the layout a lot because I've played the 740 before too, so I was pretty familiar with the OS. So then comes the saleperson and he thought I wanted to buy the PSR9000. I told him that I already bought a PA80 and just wanted to hear the PSR9000. I guess after hearing I'm not there to buy, he became uninterested but started talking about how great the PSR9000 is, particular the fact that it had 128 polyphony whereas the PA80 only had 64 (I had to correct him it actually only has 62). So we went on to have this conversation about PSR9000 vs PA80. I said I bought the PA80 over the PSR9000 because I prefer its sounds/styles.

Now, I love my PA80, but not once did I mention to him that it was a better keyboard than the PSR900. I even told him that sound is very subjective, just because I choose the PA80 doesn't mean it's a better keyboard than PSR9000. His reply was "You're right, because it is not." He just kept on saying PSR9000 is better because it had 128 polyphony and its sounds are better. I had to tell him that I only play at home and do some midi composition, and 64 polyphony is plenty for me. Then he said 128 polypohny sounds a lot better than 64 polyphony, and I said that's only if I do really complex composition and use up all of my sound layers. He started telling me "Well, trust me on this, I do this for a living, and I bought a MOTIF at home which most people don't even have...I guess I didn't tell you about my $5,000 studio equipment" Puhlease....

Right then, I was very annoyed and wanted to end the conversation and get out of there, but he just kept rambling on how I shouldn't doubt him what polyphony meant because he does this sort of things for a living. Finally, someone came to pick up a keyboard, and we eventually ended this meaningless conversation.

Sorry about the rambling and moaning, but I just can't believe some people are so stubborn (not to mention rude), and can't be objective on some issues.
