I know what you mean about the "kid's" stuff. I have 25, 16, 14 & 9 in my family, and they are uninspired by my stuff all the time. At work, the styles on the PA80 are great. I wish they had 4 fills and I wish the fills were triggered by the SAME button as the matching variation, but HEY! Life's a beach.
I have the PA60 in my studio for recording and as a backup, but the 80 has more options for real time play: Drawbar organs, PC interface, multiple outs, aftertouch .... do these things attract you?
The PA60 might just be a great choice for you if you just need the styles - they are identical to the 80 and you will love the contrast between the X1 and the Korg. Lot's of people have said that the PA80 is the closest thing to the "realism" of the Ketron drums. I am inclined to agree.
There are so many options out there today, but you would probably be just fine with the X1 and a PA60. That'd be a killer setup in many ways. The PA80 might be a waste of money for you at this time if you don't need the extra stuff.
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