Mike, I agree for what the Sonic Cell does..it is a keeper..

Sure 99 songs is enough for a predetermined set list, but for my use it is not enough..Let me explain..In my band we do about 300 tunes and all the arrangements are recorded as backing tracks[MP3]..I need to be able to call up any of these tunes immediately...[This is where the laptop is the best solution]..

Often I also need to be a DJ..and need access to my 12,000 recordings in an easy to locate media...I was hoping that I could have organized the Sonic Cell in multiple playlist[60's, 70's etc.]..A playlist with 99 songs would be fine, if we could have had more than 1 playlist that could exceed the total of 99 songs...This made the playlist impractical to me..

After the initial disappointment to me...I believe I will keep it for the studio for it's other features..Although the sounds are great..collectively , they are no better than the sounds on my G70[also great in the sound department]..
The G70 utilizes the Fantom sounds as well as the GS sounds[thankfully , giving me my "scat voices"...The Fantom and the Sonic Cell lack these..

The edit [editor program]capabilities are excellent on the Sonic Cell...more than most users will use...

I just wish I got a straight up answer to the 99 song limitation before I bought the Sonic Cell, The 30 day return policy doesn't help with a restocking fee..Although the stores approach is to buy it and see if you can find your answer..you can always return it...Right with a short change of 15 percent..

I am pretty sure I will keep it for a while...Unless someone really wants the hard to find[allocated] Sonic Cell..