Interesting, they were just over the isle from Wersi, and it would also be interesting to know who got the largest crowds.
Also did you notice in one of the demos, that one of the Managing Directors of Wersi was to the left of the Demonstrator?
The report on one of the previous posts that Lionstracs was tucked out of the way of media attention is also interesting, as they were surrounded by Hammond, Ketron, Wersi, Roland and Boss. (The Roland stand was not shown on the videos, but can be seen in the pictures on the German Wersi site) which being big names are hardly tucked away.
One final point exhibition stands are one of the worst places to demo, particularly if you are recording using a typical camcorder.

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).