Originally posted by trident:
Personal opinion:

I didn't very much like SynthGuy's written comments. NOT his opinion, which he has a right to voice, (and was techically right)but the way he presented it.
One thing is to not approve of PC speakers used in a professional situation, and another to completely dismiss the experience of at least 5 people here who not only have used them, but also got paid for their performance with them, and they were so happy using them that they raised from the comforts of their sofas, and wrote the story for others to share. Nor calling people that have raised families playing arrangers "artists performing covers, as a second job" is the proper way to address musicians, regardless of anyones' life story or experience, or accomplishments.


Very well written and thought out. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Everyone needs to go back and re-read my posts. I never said half the things everyone is claiming. Example: "artists performing covers, as a second job", I NEVER SAID THAT. Someone else did. In fact I have not attacked anyone directly. If you read my responses regarding the Logitech you'll see that on every reply I stated that it was my opinion based on my experiences as a musician that has used all types of gear over the years.