Ok Uncle Dave - please don't get upset. I'm saying this as a player. I'm putting all the producer and programmer crap aside for now.
But do hear me out - please!
Above all I value a good tune - not knobs and faders.
And I grew up surrounded by good players, not good producers. May be I come across as a "strictly programmer kinda guy" but that's because all I ever speak about on this site is synths.
Speaking as a player, I think one has to understand the basics about the instrument that they are using. One doesn't need to be a programmer to understand those basics. Nowadays, a lot of people go to a music store (having played a PSR for 2 years and having no understanding about Pro gear), play a tuba sound on a Pro-synth for three seconds , pay and take it home. They don't really understand what they are buying. It is somewhat irresponsible, to buy a "cat in a bag" and then complain about it.
If someone needs big samples and doesn't want to carry a sampler around - they don't need a 2080, they need a workstation that can load samples. And there are many sample libraries available - they are pretty good too. For both studio work and live performance.

It's good to be a player, but using a synth or a synth workstation requires a bit of knowledge that a lot of strictly players lack...They just act like they don't care.
hence- their frustrations.

A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde