About the main issue! I had simular problems way back with certain midifiles playing back on my G-800 allthough these were GS files so should'nt give these problems. Since then I allways edit all new files In Cakewalk as follows; by loading the CW patch for the G-800, then load the new midifile and save as GS file, including the sysex messages..(and that includes GM files!) No problem since then anymore!
Did you try this??? (I don't know or there is a patch for WK 8 for cakewalk, but I guess there is!)
Keyboards/Sound Units: Kurzweil 2600S, Roland VR-760, Acces Virus C, Roland G-800, Akai AX60, Minimoog, Machine Drum, Roland R8-M, mediastation x-76