Just curious. I've noticed that, in an honest evaluation, the songs posted here range from very good to very bad. Still, most responses are positive or, at the very least, not negative. Hardly ever does anyone point out that a vocal has some serious pitch problems; or that an arrangement or solo is amateurish at best. The question is, is it in the best interest of the performer (for us) to sugarcoat what is obviously a poor performance. What if the spirit is willing but the talent is just not there? If we do choose to offer CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, should we limit it to only those who have career ambitions (and let the "home only" guys slide)? If a person is playing out and can't hear themselves out of tune, should we 1) leave it to their paying public to inform them, 2) politely suggest that they run their vocals through AUTOTUNE (PC software) before posting them, or 3) suggest that they get another vocalist to help them showcase their musical creations. This also applies to instrumentalist who feel the need to showcase their talents when their actual skills dictate otherwise. Of course we want to be supportive, but sending a false message to support a fantasy is not going to help that person shore up his or her weak areas. Normally this would be none of our business except that when you put something out there for public consumption, examination, critique, etc., you've got to be willing to accept all feedback, good or bad, as long as it's offered in a constructive way. I kind of lost my way with this post but you get the idea. What do you think?

"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]