The demo for One Man Band version 10.0 is available for download at

One Man Band is a software arranger (real-time and sequenced) and style editor utilising Yamaha styles.

Some of the new features are:

VSTi and DXi hosting with support for ASIO drivers. This has been the most requested feature in the last 4 years. So now you can plug in your softsynths.

Load the next style without interrupting the currently playing style in live mode (switch-without-a-glitch). When the new style is loaded it will take over at the start of the next measure.

Reduced latency version of the Microsoft synthesizer. The default MIDI Out is now the JM synthesizer. It uses the same wavetables as the Microsoft synthesizer but hasn't got the quarter second delay before you hear a pressed key.

Style loudness correction to compensate for the loudness differences between styles from different origins. Available in menu settings/Style-loudness-correction.

Control all the different volumes with the sliders of a MIDI keyboard controller in live mode. Define the controllers you want to use for this in menu settings/keyboard-control-functions. In the same window you can define MIDI triggers for each function, by specifying MIDI port/channel/messagetype.

A new function is Block Tempo. If on it will ignore the tempo of a new loaded style and play the new style in the same tempo as the previous one.

Use wave sound effects in live mode. Wave files can be loaded in the SFX panel in PC keyboard 2 and MIDI keyboard window.

Improved user interface. Arranger, eventslist and pianoroll window will show more measures/events/notes when the window is enlarged. The window will scroll while playing in eventslist, pianoroll and arranger window. OMB will start in the window that was last used.