Hi Scott. Jeez, you already have Sonar so you're halfway there IMHO - why duplicate (and limit) your studio with a dedicated hardware DAW? And SoundForge is all you need for mastering... maybe you want to think about beefing up your desktop computer and turning it into a DAW with a nice interface? One thing that looks awesome and is in your price range is the new Yamaha O1x mixer/Firewire interface

but it you want to go on the cheap, Tascam's US-122 USB interface will let you record two tracks at a time and has phantom-powered mic inputs for $200. I've used that a lot lately and have no complaints. I even use it with my laptop for field recordings.

BTW: this may also be of interest - my Christmas present is going to be the Novation Remote 25 Xtreme . It's a two octave controller with lots of knobs and buttons for controlling softsynths like Reason, plus it's a two-channel audio interface, and it's a K-Station VA synth.

[This message has been edited by The Pro (edited 12-08-2003).]
Jim Eshleman