Don't take this the wrong way, but the genesys isn't on the same par as the PSR9000 Pro, Tyros, PA80, and others. Why should it sell in the same price range? It does more, and in my opinion sounds better. Not to say that the other don't sound good, but there is a difference. Just think by the pound (weight) the genesys is a better value .Also since when is 5199.95, 6,000 . Just the ability to load Kurzweil and Akai samples..... That isn't to down play the other 1300 sounds inside the genesys, which will knock your socks off.

Have you ever heard the Spectrasonic or Illio stuff?

I have some stuff for you to all hear, but I have to wait till I am on a high-speed internet connection to upload.

Paul Davis