Hi Eric,
whoops maybe I better read my earlier post, just in case I gave a wrong impression. The sd2 is only a a tiny pocket size soundmodule , it doesn't have styles.

Where it's handy for me is for user styles or converted styles that require editing /tweaking especially where drums are concerned. When I get my sd drum library built up I'll just be able to replace the existing drum track with one from my library. ( Using OMB software)

I wouldn't waste my time tweaking internal styles to hear them played back using sd2 sounds. The psr drums wouldn't play back correctly anyway.
unfortunately as far as psr's go, the midi's not great.
Using OMB as the "arranger", I can assign multiple soundsources ,
but using it with a psr keyboard, the sd2 has to be the soundsource for all 8 style tracks. Only left & right hand voices can be set to psr internal voices.

best wishes

Originally posted by Eric, B:
Hi Rikki,

can you also change the drums of internal KB styles with the SD2 styles and save it to rgistration memory?


best wishes
Rikki 🧸

Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022