Originally posted by rikkisbears:
Hi George,
thanks for the great reveiw. Unfortunately my SD1+ is only 1 year old, I think I'd have a divorce on my hands if I wanted to replace this early in the piece ( haa haa)

best wishes
[QUOTE]Originally posted by George Kaye:

George thanks for the review, as always I think you shoot straight from the gut in your comments. After reading your review about the PA800 you created lots of interest on my part and your unbiased review of the SD 5 got me interested in that as well. Too bad there isn't enough money hanging on the tree in my backyard. Just doesn't seem to grow fast enough. I'm with Rikkisbears, after spending almost $7500 bucks on equipment in 2005 and another thousand this year, I'd have to be prepared for the divorce.

Rikki I know a good divorce lawyer

[This message has been edited by Stephenm52 (edited 12-15-2006).]