Hi Rodrigues,
As a seasond Hammond player I'm sad to say that the PSR2000 does not for my liking produce a spot on replication of the true Hammond sound, the true sound is made up of many factors such as..electronic imperfections in the tone generator system, complexed electro-acoustic modulation, tube amplification etc. the 2000 is just too pure and nice, there does not seem to be enough attack on the keystroke, I have a Yamaha S03 Synth and this keyboard does get close but that does not help you with the 2000 so this is the general favoured Hammond drawbar setting(enter it into the Hammond drawbar Sound Creator page on the 2000)... 16'.5-1/3'.8'.4', now add some 2-2/3' Percussion, try mixing the Leslie option's with a bit of Flanger, some deep reverb and that's about the best I can do for you, the Hammond patches on my PSR740 were much better as there seemed to be more effects routing options. No doubt I will have people jumping on me saying I dont know what I'm talking about
...Who cares
