I too have lived with an acid reflux problem for many years. I take Prilosec daily. I am now 74 years old, let me share what I have learned.

1-If you sing acid reflux will have a Harding effect on your voice.

2-if you keep taking medication like Tums and Prilosec your body loses its ability to fight the acid.

3- Keep the bed elevated.

4-Do Not ---Do Not eat late. (After 6PM)

5-This is a hard one – change your diet, give your body what it is asking for.

If you listen carefully to your body it will tell your all you need to know about staying healthy.

In my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s I did a lot of singing but my voice was too thin, not enough bottom. In my 50’s and early 60’s age and reflux acid put more bottom in my voice. I now have good eating habits and my voice is fairly stable. Ha ha, what a way to go. At 74 I’m still singing a pretty fair tune, that should be an incentive to some.

Sharing, John C.