OK gang it really is time to start a MIA group (Musical Instruments Anonymous.) I need the most help of all because I can’t play for a hill of beans but still enjoy playing.

Best post so far has to go to brmoore, Bruce that was over the top LMAO

One gets the Feeling that Fran is a Roland fan and our good friend Dave M has one of everything.

Just a note to ianmcnll that Yamaha D-85 three manual Electone organ with two tone cabinets wasn’t a B3 but sure could make some great music in the right hands. We had hooked up a Leslies to one of the Yamahas of that era and what a night & day difference that brought out.

keysvocalssax the purpose FUN !!!1

Wrinkles, my prayers are with you.

Enough comments.

Have owned :Organs in no particular order

Hammond J200 Junk
Thomas 700 Lawrence Welk
Thomas Celebrity With Ext Leslie
Thomas Trianon
Baldwin Studio II
Wurlitzer I Can’t remember the model but is was a amplified reed organ –
very realistic classic organ tones Weighed a million pounds. Gift
Conn Rhapsody
Conn Theatre 643
Conn Martinique with Leslie 600
Emminent Grand Theatre 2000
Yamaha US1

Present organ.

Technics FA1
Looking for a Steal on a Roland 90R Atelier Organ

Keyboards & Modules have owned

Yamaha PSR 2000
Technics KN7000
Kurzweil K2000S
Kurzweil K2000RS
Kurzweil K2600S
Kurzweil PC2R
General music Genesys

Presently own
Technics FA1 organ
Wersi Blue Chip OX7 Organ module
Roland D110 module loaded with Theatre Organ Sounds
General Music WK2 HD
General Music XP module

I’m sure I forgot something but that’s ok


[This message has been edited by Mainer (edited 12-02-2006).]