hi frankieve:

Here's a link to the download site for Yamaha USB Midi Drivers: http://www.yamaha.co.jp/product/proaudio/homeenglish/download/utility_lib/usb_midi /top_w.htm

I'm running Yamaha USB Midi Driver 2.08 (2.08 specifically lists the Tyros as a supported device while 2.09 does not) with Tyros OS 1.20 and have no problems accessing my Tyros HD directly within Windows Explorer. I'm able to from the PC: quickly tranasfer data back and forth between PC & Tyros, edit Tyros folder/file names, move & re-organize , and perform routine backups of all Tyros files to CD. My Tyros hard drive (IBM Travelstar) consists of one single partition because this is what the built into the Tyros 'HD format utility' does. I'm wondering if your problem might be due to the fact that your hard drive is partitioned into multiple sectors rather than a single sector.
