Down here is the People's Republic of Maryland if you're playing to people 25 to 40 years of age you're playing to people that have never danced in their lives. Most never even danced at their own weddings, and they're idea of a fun night on the town usually consists of sitting at a bar getting toasted and bitching about their jobs. If it's during football season, they'll be glued to a TV set. As for me, I'll stick with the dance crowd, which in this part of the world is folks over age 55. Yep, they'll quit dancing about midnight, but that's OK cause after 3 to 4 hours of continual entertainment, I'm pretty well out of gas myself. They'll go home happy, and most will be back the next time you're performing at that particular location.Some will not, but more often than not the reason behind this is some type of physical ailment of death.

And, some day in the not too distant future the same thing will happen to me as well. There will come a time when our audiences have died off. When they're gone, that generation of fun loving individuals who danced the night away will be replaced by folks that grew up in front of a TV set or computer monitor, and they only listen to music when there's nothing on TV. If you sincerely think this is not the case, take a close look at the general populace ranging in age from 25 to 40. Most are morbidly obese, they drive too fast, could care less about the environment they're creating and don't seem to give a tinker's damned about anyone other than themselves. It's the ME-NOW GENERATION! I'm very thankful for the crowds I now have, but I know that in five more years, most will be dead and I'm glad I can still make a good living writing magazine and newspaper articles.

PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)