hi guys need some help here fast ive changed my mind like 200 times and still not 100% sure im making the right choise i prentend to play keybaord in my local group, and why well becuase our main strenth is the singers and for 200 pounds as a salary to split for 3 we can aford a proper band so im the one man band here playing almost the entire 18 midies at a time jaja any way know that you know what i do it wouled help if someone confirmed that the tyros 2 meets my requiments more than the ketron sd1 or the roland g70 or the korg pax 1 pro , my job is just to dowload the latest mdies or kar files remove the lead instrument and save it in the perfromace folder so my m8s sing to it so i do hvae quit a big mides libarry to brwose about whiles im playing so last of all is the tyros 2 the right chosie thanks