Since I've been having this trouble with my hands, on the few jobs I've had I've been leaning more towards talking than playing. ....meaning trivia about the music/famous musicians and composers, stories, jokes, experiences.........anything to fill up an hour. I'm actually doing better working like this than when I played for a full hour.

Gary said it a few months ago though I can't recall exactly what he said. Something like this: In the end it's not about having the best keyboard on the market, the best keyboard stand, your playing ability, your singing ability, your resume, etc. It's, plain and simple, how well you "entertain."

I'm lucky, I have an extensive knowledge of music and the show business world in general. I think, in light of what's happening with my hands, I'm going to go forward as an entertainer more than a musician.

As Donny always says, things change and you have to adapt. This is one adapting I think is necessary anyway. There are so many bad musicians out there right now working for low wages, but they're working.......more than the accomplished musicians who really put out a good product in their playing. Where they're lacking in is good communication with an audience and interactive skills.

My last few jobs, that's what I did. Went right out there on the floor with the audience and talked about everything and anything and switched back and forth between the piano and the "floor."

That now gives me the edge over the guys who can just play the 5 songs they learned, don't even talk to an audience in-between and they then go and collect a paycheck afterwards.

It is "entertainment" one focuses on (not your instrument)if you're playing for the people. If you're playing for yourself then, by all means, go with the latest keyboard of your choice.

BTW: I have a PA3x that I've never even used. I'm playing a 50 year old accordion and my 20 year old Roland E-300 auto-arranger when there's no piano available.......and making mistakes all over the place. NO one even notices as long as you keep interesting patter going on between songs. And interesting patter is what will keep you working.
