Maybe members here more experienced in sound systems than I can help me make a sense of my SSV3. After a quick test, this is my impression. The test was done in my home office. I was sitting directly in front of the speaker 10 feet away.

1. Clean Sounds as many noted
2. Many said it is loud, and I agree.
3. Not too light for its size, but its small size makes it very easy to handle. I would rather carry this thing than the lighter but bulky BA330. I like my BA330, though.
4. Now the stereo image. Of course, sounds do not move back and forth like two speakers 10 feet apart from each other when I hard panned. First, I thought it sounds good, but where is the stereo? Only after I comapared it with the Maui 28, I felt there is indeed a 3D dimentional depth. Maybe this is a nice "compromise" or the only way to have a pseudo stereo effect with a single cabinet in live performance and still not affected by the narrow sweet spot issue.
5. Some say plenty of bass, others lack of bass requring a sub.
Well, I couldn't make up my mind. I played the SSV3 with the Maui 11. That way it sounded fuller but I don't know what the Maui 11 would do to the stereo image. I took off the Maui 11 column speaker and only used the sub. Certainly it added more bass but not much.
6. AC Hum. None of my Maui speakers had any hint of AC ground hum, but the SSV3 seems to be pretty subsetible to it.
7. Final listening. Monster patches I created with xPand2. The SSV3 could not handle the roaring timpani at all like the Maui 28(as expected), but the treble sounds on the SSV3 definetely had much more depth and dimention while the same sounded thin on the Maui 28. I figure that I could take my small, light Acoustic Image bass amp when I needed more bass, but that's for another test session.

Any feedback or thoughts would be appreciated.

"You Shall Know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free." John 8:32