An arranger is great for what it does, but is severely limited when it comes to editing or getting really rich sounds.

A Workstation is great as it gives you pretty much any sound you want, with all the editing you will probably need, but sucks when it comes to solo on the fly play.

The price of the PASR-S950 in the UK is approximately £1600

The price of a Korg PA600 Arranger in the UK is approximately £800

The price of a Korg Krome Workstation in the UK is approximately £800

Therefore by purchasing a PA600 & a Krome and Midi them together, you could have the best of both worlds for the same price as a PSR-S950.

Something that prospective purchases of the PSR-S950 might like to think about

English Riviera:
Live entertainment, Real Ale, Great Scenery, Great Beaches, why would anyone want to live anywhere else (I�m definitely staying put).