Well this is my dilemma really.

I have been debating hard and I even found somewhere I can get one trading both my keyboards...BUT, now that it's come to the crunch, do I really need/want to?

After hearing all the demo's (when I was able to before they were set to private *rolls eyes*), the biggest difference that I've noticed *so far* is the fact that they have included those new vocal voices. I may get flamed for this, but I don't actually like them, they sound too old fashioned and also too overbearing, everything sounds like the 60's / 70's now! It sounds nice don't get me wrong, but would I use them? No...

The drums sound very similar so far, I've not heard a drum sample that makes me think it wasn't from Yamaha, so nothing new there for me to get too excited about either.

Also the other features such as MP3 doesn't interest me either as I wouldn't use that feature, the VH also I don't use because I am not a singer, I'm just a keyboard player.

The only thing I'd really want this keyboard for is the new styles and ambient sounds, oh and the blue lights!! That's all really... so would it be worth upgrading?? I'm really not so sure..

[This message has been edited by DannyUK (edited 10-09-2010).]