I finally got the chance to A/B The Roland BA-330 stereo amp (15 watts a side)..to the acclaimed Bose Compact..(stated anywhere between 100-130 watts).

The owner of the Bose (Gary M)is a proud owner of all 3 Bose models...but when credit is due..he will say so..(Unlike most Bose owners.. )

The first test was a simple plug something into the BA330 to show Gary what 15 watts a side can sound like.. ..and on battery power too..Gary's jaw dropped..he said he would never have thought a low powered(number wise) amp could sound so good..

A quick initial A/B to the Compact..immediately l confirmed what I have always said about the Bose..There is a low/mid range that doesn't exist..Gary said the fullness of the BA330, kicked the butt of the Bose Compact..

We A/B'd for over 3 hours..using many different combinations and set ups..

I talked Gary into the Edirol M-10dx mixer..we both agreed this mixer is the best in it's price range and even those costing much more..

We than set up the amps with the Edirol mixer..I wanted to show Gary a feature on the Edlrol..I knew could improve the Bose fullness...

The Edirol has a Room Acoustic Control..it uses white noise to set up dual 16 channel EQ (flat)..what it does is bring out the frequencies that the Bose or any other powered speaker does not do from the factory..I have tried this with at least 6 different systems. and without fail ..improved every system..

After we did the RAC on the Bose..it came to life..I swear I seen tears in Gary's eyes..
After we A/B'd my BA330 and his Compact..and the Bose came in a distant second in quality, full sound...It was time to make him happy..

The Bose is weak at best with the unit not extended.(no tower extensions)..but the Edirol RAC trick worked a miracle on the Bose Compact..You could finally hear what is missing from the factory sound..

Now you Bose folks don't go off the deep end..maybe you just have to experience what Gary just did..to become a believer..and admit there is a lacking area in the stock Bose...

The BA330 showed Gary what was missing on his Bose and the Edirol mixer..made his Bose something he could smile about once again..

Comparisons are lessons to be learned..

BTW" we compared another Crate battery powered amp to the BA330..we quickly had to unplug the Crate..it was outclassed...

Hopefully ..I can get Gary to post his thoughts ..in case I put words into his mouth...When I left his place..he was a happy dude...he even claimed that if he was in the market prior to buying the Bose..he would get the BA330..

So now the results are yours...believe what you want...but if I owned a Bose ..I would buy a Edirol mixer..to use with the Bose..that way it can sound as good as the BA330...