Hello Everybody,

I'm learning piano for 4-5 years and my gf gave me a PSR-S910 for Chrismas, a real nice gift that i like a lot but there's somes bad things also.

Let's be positive and start with the good; This keyboard is AWESOME, there's hundreds of sounds, real nice synthetizer engine.

You know Yammie called them Super Articulated, Cool voice etc... Theses are nice, the sounds ex: a Sax are normal but if you push hard on the notes (work better if you selected the keyboard touch as easy in the menu) to start with then the end of the sax sounds become l different, more high, like when you want to push the note higher to jamm ... Real Nice as i said

Function: this keyboard feel like a starship, there's zillions of function, filter , effect, possibility (i'm sure someone with a good imagination can do soooo much with this keyboard)

possibility: Midi In/Out, many many connectors, can play mp3, a Micro + effect and more and more (can't seems to get to know all this keyboards and i'm one of the biggest computer geeks you can imagine hehe)

Now the Bad hehe

The keybed: that is one crappy peace of S.... it's incredible to see a crappy thing like that on a 2K keyboard, the key feel cheap and not solid and too short; i hate this keybed and still wonder how i will become zen with it

No after Touch, no velocity release and too short keys, this is verry crappy from Yamaha parts...

Yamaha i know you are reading this forums and seriously guys you have the marketing all wrong, did you ever ask yourself how much sales you loose (and clients) because of that ??

why not put a decent keyboard with a nice after touch, wouldn't cost a lot and would be a good marketing move even if you add 3-400$ on the price to cover the cost and make more profit. ask yourself if you prefer to hear rant like that on your keyboard or something like "He i buy a yammie keyboard and now Yamaha put some incredible keybed in it, even more awesome there's aftertouch and velocity release wow, the feeling of the keys are so good... this is definitively the brand to buy if you want a good MOTL arranger !!!

After 2 weeks i had to buy a little controler to fix this so i can do a better keyboard with it.
used for 300$ http://alesis.com/qs62 and have all what i rant that the PSR don't have...

If i got it right i will be able to assign the modulation to the aftertouch so the psr see it, but we'll see when i get it in 2 weeks

maybe i will remove the 2 case + the PSR keybed to put the 2 together in a new case (nahhh) hehe

So as a conclusion this arranger is nice but yamaha are still stuck on old marketing way and we feel it when we play this keyboard...
again Yammie start putting somes quality keybed in your arrange and more important stop seling us stuff with crappy part in the hope that we buy your TOTL arranger... 2K is suppose to buy you quality stuff not crappy keybed. Anyway you WILL have to make the move to User oriented marketing (Asked the permission to talk to your client and stop interrupting them) or you will loose lot of moneys and market share in the next 10-20 year; btw you have the permission to talk here and it's what you should do if you want to take the big part of the market.....

We'll see in 10 years who is bright and who is not

Have a good Day Everybody
Keyboard: Korg-M1
Computer: MacBook Pro, 2.4 GHz dual-core, 4 GB RAM
Software: Logic 9, Kore 2, NI-Komplete