Hi SZ Guys and Gals – I hope y’all are already booked for the big night, but in this case, …it’s the song! A few weeks ago, I commented on here that I was passing on the T3 upgrade to save my coin for a curved soprano sax. Well, I came across a nearly new Chinese “knock off” for an unbelievable $154 on Ebay last week. I have a straight Selmer Mark VI which I have owned since the 70’s. The Ebay horn I got is a “Selman” – amazing how the marketeers are at it, huh?

I got the new “toy” 3 days ago and I have been pretty much attached to it since then. For the money, it was a quite amazing purchase. I was so excited about the deal I got and the sweet sound of this horn that I went ahead and recorded 4 tunes today (all are on my web site). But here’s the one that showcases the sound of the “curvie” best of the four songs to my ears. I honestly cannot believe the difference in the way this horn sounds and responds to my playing. It’s much more like my alto in response than the (Selmer) straight soprano I have played for years.

At any rate, those of you who like the sax sound might enjoy listening to my new friend. Here’s the link:

Now I’m already scheming to get second “curvie”.

Hope you like my rendition of an absolutely gorgeous song.

Randy www.saxyguy.com

PA4X, SX900 (Baby Genos), Roland U-20, L1 Compact, Way 2 Many Saxes

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