Well CD #4 is done... Thanks for all the ears here at the zone... Special thanks to Scottyee, Donnie, Scott Langholff (For selling me his old 3000), DonM, SemiLiveMusic, btweengigs, drdalet, Nick G, ianmcnll, Eric, B, Stephenm52, Chris Valenti, trident, Craig_UK…
You can check out full version of songs here:
If you want a copy you could grab one here… http://cdbaby.com/cd/dcall3

Thanks again all…

The only sounds on this CD that are not psr3000 made are lead guitar on "Venus" and "EL Paso"
Now off to CD #5

PS.. If any of you have questions about recording technique, or anything… Just ask…
I don't steer the ship... I bail out the water...