Monday night Hector Olivera was in our town doing a concert. I had the night free so I went. All I can say is what an awesome performance. He had two instruments with him, a 4 manual Rodgers and a 2 manual Roland Antilier.

He did about half the concert doing classical stuff on the Rodgers. He really has fast fingers and feet and the Rodgers sounded very good.

The second half of the program was done on the Roland. He did orchestrial stuff, some jazz, movie and theater material. All I can say is that Roland sounded like a whole symphony, plus a B3, plus saxophone and drums. He did a drum solo on it that was pretty darn good.

One of the things that impressed me the most were the bass lines done with both feet. He was every bit as good as most string bass players. I've kicked bass for our band for the last 30 years and this guy makes me feel like giving up.

My only disappointment with the program was that our theater has a fully restored and fully functional Barton theater organ that he didn't play.

It was still an evening to remember.

