Can anyone help me please. I have downloaded a number of styles that have been converted from other boards, and like it is reported in other threads, some are good and some are bad and some have the potential to be really good.

In a number of cases all I have to do is to change the drumkit(s) and or instruments and adjust/balance volume levels and there are some very useable styles.

However, I have made these changes and been pleased with the result but cannot find a way to save the changes back to a user style (not a registration).

I can't find anywhere in the User Style Edit pages where the info is stored so that I can amend it. I would have thought it would be in the Sysex data but I can't find it.

Pleez help if you can as it's diving me nuts.

It's so easy on the XD3 - you just change the voice, volume, panning, effect etc and save the change EVEN back to the factory presets.

Any help is appreciated - KF