The entertainment business has changed a lot over the years in my area, and I'm not really comfortable with the situation...major cutthroats willing to play for nothing...a transition to local bar/grill operations and a corresponding lessening, in the eyes of owners, of the importance of music.

A local bar/grill is for sale. Until now, I would never have even considered owning one.

I have a marketing/advertising/music/accounting background, was a bartender in college and have owned my communications company for years.

I know just enough about food to know that it's a hard business and that I really don't know it. I have played primarily in restaurants and hotels for years, and ran a local college restaurant/lounge for over a year for a friend with health problems.

Several acquaintences have gotten into their own clubs over the years...some very successful and some not so successful.

Any experience or advice?
